Defiant Health Radio with Dr. William Davis

The 7 counterintuitive keys to successful long-term weight loss

November 17, 2023 William Davis, MD

There are a variety of ways to lose weight: reduce calories, pharmaceuticals, bariatric procedures. But these are successful only in the beginning: You lose, say, 40 pounds over a year only to gain it all back. Of that 40 pounds, 10 pounds is muscle. And, when you gain it back, it is nearly all fat, very little muscle. You are now less healthy than you were at the start of your weight loss journey. And, if repeated, as with yo-yo dieting in which you lose, regain, then lose and regain again, your metabolic health gets worse and worse and, not only are you discouraged and demoralized, but you are also setting yourself up for some pretty serious health consequences including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and increased potential for cognitive decline and dementia. 

So let’s be smarter. Let’s not repeat the mistakes of conventional thinking in weight loss and let’s instead discuss 7 counterintuitive strategies that help you lose weight, not lose muscle, and thereby not regain the weight or regain the fat and thereby not only enjoy your new shape and body composition, but avoid all the health complications of the conventional path. 

For BiotiQuest probiotics including Sugar Shift, go here.

A 15% discount is available for Defiant Health podcast listeners by entering discount code UNDOC15 (case-sensitive) at checkout.*

Get your 15% Paleovalley discount on fermented grass-fed beef sticks, Bone Broth Collagen, low-carb snack bars and other high-quality organic foods here.*

For 12% off every order of grass-fed and pasture-raised meats from Wild Pastures, go

*Dr. Davis and his staff are financially compensated for promoting BiotiQuest and Paleovalley products.

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Super Gut: The 4-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microbiome, Restore Health, and Lose Weight

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight and Find Your Path Back to Health; revised & expanded ed

Speaker 1:

There are a variety of ways to lose weight Reduce calories, pharmaceuticals, bariatric procedures among them but these are successful only in the beginning. You lose, say, 40 pounds over a year, only to gain it all back Of that 40 pounds. 10 pounds lost is muscle, and when you gain it back, it's nearly all fat, very little muscle. You are now less healthy than you were at the start of your weight loss journey and if repeated as with yo-yo dieting, where you lose, regain, then lose and regain again your metabolic health gets worse and worse, and not only are you discouraged and demoralized, but you are also setting yourself up for some pretty serious health consequences that include type 2 diabetes, heart disease and increased potential for cognitive decline and dementia. So let's be smarter, let's not repeat the mistakes of conventional thinking in weight loss and let's instead discuss seven counterintuitive strategies that help you lose weight, not lose muscle, and thereby not regain the weight or regain the fat, and thereby not only enjoy your new shape and body composition, but avoid all the health complications of the conventional path. Later in the podcast, let's talk about the fine health sponsors that include Paleo Valley, who provides fermented grass-fed beef sticks, bone broth, protein rich in collagen, organic super greens and low-carb superfood bars, and now 100% grass-fed and finished pastured meats. And Biodquest, who provides unique probiotics such as sugar shift to support healthy blood sugars. Simple slumber to assist in obtaining healthy sleep. Antibiotic antidote to help you recover after a course of antibiotics. Probiotics crafted with the unique property of combining synergistic microbes.

Speaker 1:

As ubiquitous as this struggle is with overweight and obesity, I'm just shocked that the real message is not getting out to people. That is, you can lose weight and you can do it successfully. And you can do it rapidly and you can do it with long-standing, long-term success. What happens with most people is they cut calories in some way, and we'll talk about why I say that. They cut calories, calorie intake in some way. They lose weight and then, over time, they regain all the weight. There's a reason for that. There's a well-established explanation for why people can lose weight in the near term but regain the weight in the long term, which is very demoralizing and disappointing, isn't it? So let's talk about that.

Speaker 1:

So let's take, for instance, going on a GLP1 agonist, a drug like WeGovie or Osempig. So you spend, say, $15,000 over a year to lose 40 pounds and you can lose a lot of weight in those drugs. No question about that, that is well-established. So you lose 40 pounds, of which 10 pounds, sometimes more, is muscle. And of that 30 pound of fat you lost about 50-50 spread between what's called subcutaneous fat, that's fat below the skin distributed throughout the body, and the other 50% is abdominal visceral fat, that is fat within the abdomen that encircles your organs. So there's loss of muscle about 10 pounds of that 40 pounds. Then of the 30 pounds of fat, it's a 50-50 spread of subcutaneous to abdominal visceral fat.

Speaker 1:

Well, these are important because when you lose muscle, your basal metabolic rate drops. What that means is basal metabolic rate is the rate at which your body burns calories to do the work of living, the work of breathing, of digesting food, of creating proteins to replace lost cells in your heart and skin and brain. So when you lose muscle, your basal metabolic rate drops. And what that means is that after you've lost the weight, you lose muscle because you're burning calories at a lower rate. You will regain weight even if you maintain a low calorie intake. So you lose 40 pounds.

Speaker 1:

You stop the drug. Most people can't afford those drugs forever, right? So you stop the drug and you regain nearly all the weight, and the weight you regain is nearly all fat, very little muscle. Now you're less healthy than you were at the start because when you have more fat and less muscle, not only is your basal metabolic rate lower, but you have higher levels of insulin resistance, higher blood sugar, higher risk for conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, dementia, breast cancer. Even though you spent all that money and you lost all that weight after stopping the drug, you are less healthy than you were at the start and prone to many common conditions.

Speaker 1:

Also, because the drugs do not specifically target the most problematic form of fat, which is that abdominal fat. Abdominal fat is the determinant of a process called insulin resistance and inflammation. So in other words, if you don't specifically target abdominal visceral fat, you don't get full benefit health benefit. If you could specifically target abdominal visceral fat that determines insulin resistance and inflammation, you would lose weight faster, because it's insulin resistance and inflammation that cause weight gain and prevent weight loss. So that because these drugs and other methods do not specifically target abdominal visceral fat, you don't obtain full benefit. So someone taking these drugs at great cost lose weight only to regain the weight, and you are less healthy than you were at the start. Now this also applies to any method in which you cut calories. So how do those drugs work? Where they reduce your appetite, you lose your taste for food, so you take in less food and that's how you lose weight.

Speaker 1:

We could also do it with cutting calories, just just reducing calorie intake. Let's say a diet where your doctor says move more, eat less, or push the plate away, or a dietitian tells you eat many small, small meals every two hours all throughout the day. Whatever the method, you're cutting calories and that can lead to weight loss. Likewise, if you have a bariatric procedure, it could be lap band, where they put a constricting band around your stomach to reduce stomach volume, or it could be bypass gastric bypass where they actually reduce the volume of the stomach. Those procedures are also all variations on the same theme as reducing calories. So whether it's a GOP one agonist drug like we gov, or as ozempic, or a low calorie diet or bariatric procedure, they're all variations on the same theme reducing calories.

Speaker 1:

And when you reduce calories long term, not near term you can lose weight near term and not have these effects, but then you only have limited success and losing weight. Right If you only do it for, say, for a week, but if you do it more than that, you reduce your basal metabolic rate because of the loss of muscle and you do not selectively target the most problematic form of fat. So let's talk about some of the counterintuitive rules to be aware of. That can help you. One more specifically target abdominal visceral fat, thereby reduce insulin resistance and inflammation at drive weight gain. And two, preserve muscle or even increase muscle so that you don't regain the weight. In other words, you can lose the weight, you don't lose muscle, you don't regain the weight and you specifically target the most problematic form of fat abdominal visceral fat, the fat that drives risk for all those health conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

Speaker 1:

The first rule to follow is never limit calories. So don't cut calories, don't push the pletaway, ignore, move more, eat less, never limit calories. You can do it for a short term, for a few days, but don't do it for long term. That's counterintuitive, isn't it? People think, oh, the more calories you take in, the more you're going to gain weight. Cutting calories leads to weight loss? It does in the near term, but then you regain the weight because of the impact, because of the effect on your basal metabolic rate. So we do not limit calories. Another counterintuitive key to success. A long term weight loss is never limit fat.

Speaker 1:

We've been told to reduce our intake of cholesterol and saturated fat to reduce cardiovascular risk. There never was evidence to support that argument in the first place. And of course, for the first three million years our species has been on this planet no unlimited fat and there was almost no heart disease, by the way. So if your great grandmother was here, a woman who loved bacon, fat and butter and whole milk and cream, there was almost no heart disease in her time. Yet we have lots of heart disease now. It's the number one moneymaker for hospitals in the healthcare system during a time when we've limited intake of saturated fat and cholesterol. So not limiting fat, not limiting cholesterol, does not increase your cardiovascular risk. There are real ways to identify your risk for heart disease, but it has nothing to do with fat intake or cholesterol intake. So we do not limit fat.

Speaker 1:

So if you're going to have some pork chops, say, buy a fatty cut, eat the fat. Use more butter. Use more extra virgin olive oil. When you make some bacon, save the oil for cooking. It's delicious. Fat makes food taste better. Fat is satiating. You're much more likely to be satisfied with your meal If you had, let's say, two or three eggs with some bacon or some sausage and butter. You're satisfied for many hours, unlike, say, a bowl of breakfast cereal rich in bran, rich in fiber. That's nonsense. So we're not going to limit our fat, we're not going to limit calories.

Speaker 1:

The Diviant Health podcast is sponsored by Paleo Valley makers of delicious grass-fed beef sticks, healthy snack bars and other products. We're very picky around here and insist that any product we consider has no junk ingredients like carrageenan, carboxymethylcellulose, sucralose and, of course, no added sugars. All Paleo Valley products contain no gluten nor grains. In fact, I find Paleo Valley products among the cleanest in their category. One of the habits I urge everyone to get into is to include at least one, if not several, servings of fermented foods per day in their lifestyles. Unlike nearly all other beef sticks available, paleo Valley grass-fed beef sticks are all naturally fermented, meaning they contain probiotic bacterial species. And now Paleo Valley is expanding their Wild Pastures program that provides 100% grass-fed, grass-finished, pastured beef and pastured chicken and pork Raised without herbicides or pesticides. And they just added wild-cut seafood caught from the waters of Bristol Bay, alaska. Among their other new products are pasture-raised fermented pork sticks, chocolate-flavored grass-fed bone broth protein and grass-fed organ complex and capsule form. And new essentially electrolytes in powder form to add to potassium and magnesium intake available in orange, lemon and melon flavors. And for the fall and winter season they've brought back pumpkin spice superfood bars. Listeners to the Defiant Health podcast receive a 15% discount by going to paleo valley dot com.

Speaker 1:

Backwards slash defiant health and I'd like to welcome Defiant Health's newest sponsor, biodicuest. I've had numerous conversations with Biodicuest founders Martha Carlin, an academic microbiologist, dr Raul Cano. They have formulated unique synergistic probiotic products that incorporate what are called collaborative or guild effects, that is, groups of microbes that collaborate with each other via specific metabolites, potentially providing synergistic benefits. They have designed their sugar shift probiotic to support healthy blood sugars. Simple slumber to support sleep. Ideal immunity to support a healthy immune response. Heart-centered that supports several aspects of heart health. And antibiotic antidote designed to support recovery of the gastrointestinal microbiome after a course of antibiotics. Biodicuest probiotics are, I believe, among the most effective of all probiotic choices for specific health effects. For the discount code UNDOT15, undoc All Caps 15, for a 15% discount for Defiant Health listeners.

Speaker 1:

How difficult is it to lose weight if you are being exposed to an appetite stimulant. Well, very difficult, right? You try to cut calories, you try to walk away from food and you're miserable because you're obsessed with food. You're being exposed to an appetite stimulant. Well, anything made of wheat and related grains, like rye and barley and corn, yields opioid peptides. That is, humans are not equipped to break down the protein. Some of the proteins in wheat and grains, such as the glydein protein in wheat, the cecline protein in rye, the hordein protein in barley, the zian protein in corn. We don't have the enzymes to break those proteins down into single amino acids as we do with other proteins, like the protein in an egg or the protein in beef. So we break those proteins from wheat and grains down into peptides, that is, four or five amino acid long peptides. These peptides are very unique. They cross into the brain and stimulate opioid receptors. They don't make you high, though they stimulate appetite. They're very powerful appetite stimulants.

Speaker 1:

So anyone who includes wheat and grains in their diet takes in many hundreds of calories more per day and often exposed to incessant hunger. You see this in its most extreme form in people with bulimia and binge eating disorder. These are people who can't stop thinking about food. They're obsessed with food. They're always thinking about food and eating. When they stop wheat and other grains, and thereby the opioid peptides they drive appetite, they're miraculously freed of those food obsessions. So those people who sit in front of the refrigerator at 3 am in the morning and binge and then go to the toilet to purge by throwing up all that goes away when you banish all wheat and grains that drive appetite.

Speaker 1:

Another counterintuitive way to obtain long term success and losing weight is to avoid foods that trigger blood sugar and insulin, because every time you trigger blood sugar, insulin has to accompany that blood sugar, because it requires insulin to allow that sugar, those sugars in the blood, to enter the cells of your body muscle, brain, liver, elsewhere. Now, every time you raise blood sugar let's say you eat a bowl of oatmeal and your blood sugar goes from 100 milligrams per deciliter to 160, which is very typical, by the way, in a non-diabetic. If you're a pre-diabetic, it goes to more like 220 or so. If you're a type II diabetic, it goes 250 or 350. In other words, foods like oatmeal raise blood sugar to very extreme levels. So quit it.

Speaker 1:

C. When that happens, you induce insulin resistance in the organs of your body and muscle, liver, brain, etc. And when you have insulin resistance, the pancreas compensates by producing huge amounts of insulin 10-fold more, 30-fold more, 100-fold more. So a person who's very insulin sensitive let's say a slender premenopausal female who likes to long-distance run she's going to have an insulin level of 1 or 2, no higher than 4 microunits per liter. How about somebody who's insulin resistant, who's been experiencing repetitive high blood sugars and therefore high blood insulin? Their level is 50, 90, 140, many times higher. High levels of insulin cause weight gain, cause fat deposition in the abdomen and blocks weight loss. So we want to have no rises in blood glucose, no rises in insulin. So I have something called the blood glucose zero change rule.

Speaker 1:

If you're checking blood glucose, for instance, with a finger stick blood glucose, let's say you start at 90, you eat a meal and 30 to 60 minutes after the start of the meal, you want a blood glucose of no higher than 90, not 140, not 160. Your doctor may say, oh, as long as your blood glucose doesn't exceed 200, you're okay. Is that true? It absolutely is not true. What the doctor is saying is that you don't need drugs yet to control your blood glucose. You're not yet a diabetic. That is not what we're after here. We're after weight control, right and specifically targeting abdominal visceral fat. In order to do that, we permit no rises in blood glucose. Now we have to accept that these fingers, that blood glucose devices, are accurate to plus and minus 10. So if you start at 90 and you ate something went to 100, that is no change. Okay so, but no change in blood glucose.

Speaker 1:

You thereby do not provoke insulin resistance. If your blood glucose is above 100, that is in the abnormal range, either pre-diabetic or even diabetic this will lead over time. If you keep on maintaining a blood glucose of no change, 30 to 60 minutes in after the start of a meal, your fasting glucose also dropped. This is also a way to become a non-diabetic, non-pre-diabetic. Now, if your blood glucose does go higher let's say you start at 90 and it goes to 140, look back at that meal and see what was responsible. It'll be something that's a carbohydrate or a sugar. Either cut that food out or reduce the portion size. Repeat it again. You want no change and this is how you reverse insulin resistance, because insulin resistance causes weight gain. You're going to reverse insulin resistance or minimize it, and you allow release of that weight.

Speaker 1:

We also address nutrients that are lacking in modern life, that influence insulin resistance and inflammation. You're seeing that there's a common theme here, right? That insulin resistance, high levels of insulin and inflammation drive weight gain, block weight loss. So let's address common nutrient deficiencies that add to insulin resistance and inflammation. What are those? Well, vitamin D, because we live indoors, wear clothes and we lose the capacity to activate vitamin D in the skin with sun exposure after age 40. So let's replace vitamin D and we take a dose of vitamin D, an oil-based gel cap to enhance absorption, to achieve a 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood level of 60 to 70 nanogram per milliter the ideal level.

Speaker 1:

We restore magnesium because we drink filtered water. We have to because water sadly now is filled with contaminants and we don't drink from a river or stream, right, that's flowing over rocks and minerals. So we have to supplement magnesium. We try to get about 500 milligrams per day from such forms of magnesium as magnesium glycinate, magnesium chelate, magnesium malate. Separate those doses into two, morning and night.

Speaker 1:

We also supplement iodine because iodine is in the ocean and most people don't get enough iodine, especially if you live inland and don't get exposed to foods that are grown coastly or seafoods. We supplement iodine to try to obtain about 350 micrograms not milligram micrograms Per day. The best way to do this is to get some kelp tablets or kelp capsules, dried seaweed and that's a way to get many forms of iodine to make sure you're getting the kinds of iodine that you need for all the organs in your body that require iodine, including the thyroid, so that your thyroid has the materials to make thyroid hormones. Then we also get a obtained omega-3 fatty acids, because humans don't eat brain anymore, the most rich source of omega-3 fatty acids in animals. So also, we can't eat all the fish we want, because seafood is now contaminated heavily and it's getting worse and worse and worse with industrialization and mercury mercury contamination even shellfish contend with cadmium. So these are heavy metals that have adverse effects on health as getting worse and worse as there's more coal mining and other factors that release these heavy metals into the atmosphere and thereby into the environment. So we have to get this work around. We can't eat all the brain we want. We can't eat all the seafood we want, so we get omega-3 fatty acids that are purified and thereby have minimal to no heavy metal contamination or other contaminants. Now put those four things together vitamin D, magnesium, omega-3, fatty acids, iodine and they synergize to reduce or minimize insulin resistance and inflammation. So they help you lose weight, especially from abdominal visceral fat, the form of fat that drives insulin resistance and inflammation. Let's go further with another counterintuitive key to successful weight loss, and that is because we've been told cut your fat, cut your cholesterol, cut your saturated fat.

Speaker 1:

Most modern people have abandoned the consumption of organ meats of brain, of thyroid, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, tongue, heart. People have abandoned those organ meats, even though your great grandmother and all the generations of humans preceding her all consumed organ meats. After all, you kill an animal. It takes energy and time to kill something and you don't throw away the organs. You consume the organs and you thereby obtained plenty of collagen and hyaluronic acid. We have good evidence that when you get collagen, there is a reduction in abdominal visceral fat, there's a reduction in waist circumference, there's an increase in lean muscle mass. Not a reduction lean muscle, but an increase in lean muscle mass, giving you better control over weight because you're in control of insulin resistance and inflammation. Likewise, you obtain hyaluronic acid richest in brain and in skin.

Speaker 1:

So I cringe when I hear people buying boneless, skinless chicken breasts. No, that's not how you eat chicken. Get the whole animal. Cook it, eat the skin, eat the drumsticks, eat the meat, save the carcass, boil it. Make broth or soups. Do not make bone broth. By the way, bone broth has been shown to be rich in lead and the heavy metal lead, especially if you use vinegar, as people are often told. If you make that bone broth and you add some vinegar to help mobilize some of the minerals, you now have a toxic amount of lead in your bone broth. So don't make bone broth, don't buy bone broth. Make it doesn't sound good. Make carcass broth. You bake that chicken. You ate some of the meat and the skin. Save the carcass, boil it. So you have some bones, yes, but you also have tendons and ligaments and some of the meat. And if you have any of the organs, throw those in. That's what you do.

Speaker 1:

That has collagen and some hyaluronic acid. So when you get hyaluronic acid, by the way, likewise you decrease abdominal visceral fat and you increase lean muscle mass. And, by the way, when you get collagen and hyaluronic acid two factors missing in a diet that's low in fat and saturated fat when you replace those things, not only do you get a reduction in waist circumference and abdominal fat and increase muscle. You also get smoother skin Because those two nutrients increased dermal collagen and dermal moisture and you can reduce the fine wrinkles around your eyes and around your mouth. You also improve joint health Because collagen and hyaluronic acid are important components of your joints, like your knees and hips. They rebuild joint cartilage and they increase the lubricating fluid, the synovial fluid, in your joints. So not only do you get better body composition, better body shape because of the loss of abdominal fat, increased lean muscle mass, you also obtain health in other parts of the body.

Speaker 1:

Lastly, because the modern diet is low in carotenoids. These are nutrients like beta carotene or lutein or Ziazanthin. We lack carotenoids. That also plays a major role in body composition, where fat is distributed and muscle. So we're going to choose the highest and most potent carotenoid of all Astaxanthin. If you get three to four milligrams per day of the carotenoid, astaxanthin that is sourced from foods like salmon. If you have a six-ounce piece of wild salmon, you get about four or five milligrams of astaxanthin. So we're going to obtain astaxanthin In this case as a supplement. It's easier. It's hard to eat salmon every day and if you did, you're exposed to mercury. So we get an astaxanthin supplement and that also adds to these effects. It reduces abdominal visceral fat and astaxanthin is probably the most potent thing of all that encourages loss of abdominal visceral fat and increase in lean muscle mass, and it synergizes with those other factors.

Speaker 1:

Now I titled this conversation the Seven Counterintuitive Keys to Successful Long-Term Weight Loss. But I have a bonus strategy, an eighth key, an eighth method. That is to restore the microbe you've lost from your Dastron Testotrack called Lactobacillus ruedii R-E-U-T-E-R-I, named after the German microbiologist who discovered this microbe from the breast milk of a German woman in 1962. And he found in the 1960s. That was easy to find. He could recover it from breast milk or from feces, from stool, and it was everywhere. As his 40-year career unfolded, he found it harder and harder to find this microbe in human body samples, human body fluids and stool, and it became clear that this microbe has virtually disappeared.

Speaker 1:

Almost nobody has Lactobacillus ruedii anymore because it's very susceptible to common antibiotics like ampicillin or amoxicillin. So if you took, let's say, amoxicillin for an upper respiratory infection 20 years ago, you've lost all your Lactobacillus ruedii. And there's three reasons why loss of Lactobacillus ruedii causes weight gain in the most unhealthy ways, that is, more abdominal visceral fat and loss of muscle. So restore Lactobacillus ruedii. And what happens? Three things happen.

Speaker 1:

One Lactobacillus ruedii takes up resins in the entire length of the GI tract, not just the colon where most microbes live, but the entire 30 feet of gastrointestinal tract, including the 24 feet of small intestine, the duodenum, jejunum and ilium. So Lactobacillus ruedii takes up resins in the 30 feet of the GI tract and it sends a signal via the my enteric nervous system, the nervous system of the GI tract, up through the vagus nerve. That goes up through the chest neck to the brain and causes your brain to produce more of the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin is the hormone of body shape and composition. So when you boost oxytocin via Lactobacillus ruedii you increase lean muscle mass dramatically and you don't lose muscle as you're trying to lose weight. So it blocks weight regain because it protects your basal metabolic rate.

Speaker 1:

Lactobacillus ruedii also, because it colonizes small intestine, it takes up residence and produces what I call bactericins. Bactericins are effective against the fecal microbes that in about half the US population. Fecal microbes have ascended up from the colon and they're in the small intestine where they release toxins, especially something called lipopolysaccharide endotoxin that enters the bloodstream and causes insulin resistance and inflammation. So fecal microbes living in the 24 feet of small intestine small intestine very permeable and those endotoxins enter the blood stream and cause weight gain. So when Rutterite takes up residence in the small intestine it discourages those fecal microbes because it kills them. Rutterite is very good at killing fecal microbes and so it reduces endotoxin in the bloodstream, so-called endotoxemia, and reduces insulin resistance and inflammation. And that helps further in releasing abdominal visceral fat while preserving lean muscle mass.

Speaker 1:

The boost in oxytocin that Rhetorize responsible for also suppresses appetite, I should say normalizes appetite. You lose the desire for what's called hedonic eating, snacking. You're going to have breakfast. Let's say you have two eggs with some sausage, with lots of oil or butter, and then you're probably not hungry till 2 pm, 3 pm, 5 pm. You are put in control. Now recall we don't limit fat right. Fat is satiating. That boost in oxytocin turns off abnormal appetite triggers.

Speaker 1:

We've banished glide and derived opioid peptides from wheat related grains. You are put in magnificent control over appetite and impulse. So there you have it, the seven ways, plus the bonus material on Rhetoride on how to lose weight for good and not regain weight. So we're never going to limit calories, we never limit fat. We banish all sources of glide and derived opioid peptide. Appetite stimulants. We avoid foods that trigger blood sugar and insulin and thereby help unwind or undo insulin resistance that releases fat weight.

Speaker 1:

Re-restore common nutrients that are lacking in modern life vitamin D, iodine, omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium that synergize to reduce insulin resistance. We replace the nutrients lost because of the silly low fat, low cholesterol message. We're going to replace collagen and hyaluronic acid. You can do it from organ meats or carcass broth, but I would suggest you do it from supplements collagen peptide powders, hyaluronic acid powders. And then we also restore a carotenoid lacking in modern life. Astaxanthin is the best choice three or four milligrams per day.

Speaker 1:

Put that all together, you have incredible control over losing abdominal visceral fat and, by the way, subcutaneous fat below the skin will follow, because it's abdominal visceral fat that drives deposition of subcutaneous fat.

Speaker 1:

So put this all together you lose abdominal visceral fat while restoring or even increasing lean muscle mass. That is the primary determinant of your basal metabolic rate. Let's go even further and restore lactobacillus rhodorite, because lactobacillus rhodorite causes oxytocin to be released, which increases lean muscle mass, accelerates loss of abdominal visceral fat. It also takes up residence in the small intestine, produces bacteria, reduces the populations of invading fecal microbes in the small intestine and it turns off snacking behavior. You now have a magnificently effective way to lose weight and keep it off, but this looks nothing right Like a GLP1 agonist drug, it looks nothing like a bariatric procedure and it certainly does not involve reducing calorie intake or move more, eat less. So this is how you lose weight, because what you're doing is you're restoring the natural human situation. Now, if you learned something from this episode of the Defined Health Podcast, I encourage you to post a review, subscribe to your favorite podcast directory, tell your friends, because we're trying to build this movement of truth and empowerment individual self-empowerment in health. Thanks for listening.

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