Defiant Health Radio with Dr. William Davis
William Davis, MD, cardiologist and author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Wheat Belly books, as well as Undoctored and, most recently, Super Gut, brings the unvarnished truth about many health conditions. So much information in health is crafted by industry, bent to the benefit of healthcare systems, delivered by willfully ignorant physicians. Yet a critical mass of truly useful, safe, effective health information has been reached--but someone has to deliver it to you. That is Dr. Davis' intention. Among the topics the Defiant Health Podcast covers are:--Microbiome health--The key to so many health conditions, as well as preservation of youth and vigor, can be found in the microbiome.--Heart health--You will find no mention of cholesterol or statin drugs here, only hard-hitting, science-based insights.--Thyroid health--Why do endocrinologists and other doctors get thyroid health so wrong? Let's get it right.--Weight loss--We don't count calories, don't push the plate away, or echo other ineffective knuckle headed solutions that have created the most overweight population of humans in history.--How to get rid of type 2 diabetes--it's painfully easy. --Get on the road to reversing autoimmune diseases--Take steps today to prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's dementia, Parkinsonism, and multiple sclerosis--And many others.For more information on Dr. Davis' insights and programs, seeWheat Belly books--esp. the Wheat Belly Revised & Expanded Edition, 2019Wheat Belly 30-Minute CookbookWheat Belly 10-Day Grain DetoxUndoctored: Why Health Care Has Failed You and How You Can Become Smarter Than Your DoctorWheat Belly Blog: www.wheatbellyblog.comTalk to me through my membership website, the Undoctored Inner Circle:InnerCircle.Undoctored.com
122 episodes
Dr. Eric Westman on the Power of Limiting Carbohydrates to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes; Cholesterol is not a disease
I first met Dr. Eric Westman at a low-carbohydrate meeting a number of years ago where he discussed an extremely important and insightful human clinical trial he had conducted in which he counseled participants with type 2 diabetes to follow a ...

Are health coaches the future of healthcare?
We all recognize that American healthcare is a badly broken system. Wildly overpriced, exploitative, with a focus on pharmaceuticals and medical procedures to the exclusion of basic issues such as nutrition, the role of nutrients, and the micro...

Is blue light damaging your eyesight?
Over the past decade, most of us have converted our home lighting to light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs, as they save a significant amount of energy, requiring 75-90% less energy than older incandescent lights. Personally, I converted the 50 or l...

Managing Endotoxemia: Key to SO Many Aspects of Health
I’ve touched on the topic of endotoxemia in past episodes of the Defiant Health podcast. In this episode, let’s dive deeper into this topic that is absolutely crucial to understanding and managing SO many aspects of health, from subduing anxiet...

Why managing skin pH is crucial for skin health and appearance
I’ve been showing thousands of people how to restore this microbe lost by the majority of modern people, Lactobacillus reuteri. But, of all the spectacular improvements in health we can gain by managing our microbiomes, such as an increase in e...

The curious phenomenon of bacterial translocation that is key to so many health conditions
I’ve spent some time reflecting back on all my years practicing in hospitals, often not sleeping for extended periods, sometimes days, covering hospitals floors and ICUs, resuscitating people who experienced cardiac arrests, taking them to the ...

Seven Reasons to NEVER Eat Wheat Again
Those of you who follow my discussions that started with the Wheat Belly series of books already know that there is a long list of reasons why humans made an enormous blunder when we first resorted to the consumption of the seeds of grasses, me...

The myth of “optimal medical therapy”
Over 30 years ago, I help set up the first CT heart scan device in Wisconsin, one of the first in the entire midwest. This was so long ago that it was really an electron beam tomogrraphy, or EBT, device that predated the more recently developed...

Unlocking Wellness: Reed Davis on Environmental Toxins and Holistic Health Solutions
“Everyone coming in the door were sick and had already been to 8 or 10 healthcare practitioners and weren’t better yet. This is all wrong.”“It’s not just what you eat. It’s the air you breathe and the water you drink, the personal care p...

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Facts and Controversies
Over the last 30 years, the question over whether omega-3 fatty acids from fish has been the subject of controversy, swinging from exuberance over its potential benefits to skepticism over whether they provide any benefit at all. It seems that ...

How NOT to have atrial fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation, or A fib for short, is the most common heart rhythm issue that plagues people. About 30% of people will experience this rhythm disorder at some time in their lives, an issue that becomes more and more likely as we age. ...

The Powerful Influence of the GI Microbiome on Sleep
Sleep issues represent a major struggle for millions of people: too little sleep, trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, early morning awakenings followed by difficulty falling back asleep. Some people complain that, despite having a f...

The GLP-1 Agonist Weight Loss Disaster
You’ve likely heard the headlines gushing about the weight loss effects of the GLP-1 agonist class of drugs, agents that go by names like Wegovy, Mounjaro, Rebelsus and others. Doctors are declaring these drugs as breakthroughs or even magical,...

How much of your personal health begins in the mouth?
The oral microbiome is second only to the colon in the density of microbes living there. The mouth is really a collection of varied ecosystems that differ in composition. For instance, the microbiome of the teeth is different from that of the t...

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Wheat
Despite having written 7 books in the Wheat Belly series pointing out the harms that this “food” has inflicted on people, harms that doctors nearly always misdiagnose as an opportunity to “treat” with pharmaceuticals and procedures, questions a...

The Finer Points of Vitamin D Supplementation
Achieving an optimal level of vitamin D provides numerous health advantages, from relief from winter blues to reduction in cardiovascular risk to reduced risk for several forms of cancer. It’s one of the most important nutrients to get right, i...

Skin Health from Within: Nutrients, Modern Diets, and the Gut-Skin Axis
In this episode of the Defiant Health podcast, I bring together a number of strategies I’ve discussed piecemeal in past that have enormous potential to improve skin: reduce wrinkle depth, increase dermal collagen, increase dermal moisture...

“The Dark Dirty World of Sugar”: An interview with Joyce Laszloffy
In this episode of the Defiant Health podcast, I interview Joyce Laszloffy who personally struggled with a crippling sugar addiction and overweight for many years. She experienced extreme ups and downs, trying to overcome the powerful pull that...

Decoding Emotional Eating: My Interview with Life Coach Molly Zemeck
In this episode of the Defiant Health podcast, I interview life coach, Molly Zemek. Molly comes from the unique background of having worked as a Le Cordon Bleu formally-trained French chef for 10 years. She is also a certified sommelier. But, w...

Nootropics vs Neurotrophics: Know the difference for preservation of brain health
You have likely heard the headlines: cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia are on the rise. Part of the increase is due to an aging population. But there are reasons that are adding to the increase beyond this. The ep...

The Microbiome and Skin: My Interview with Microbiologist Kiran Krishnan, PhD
In this episode of the Defiant Health podcast, I have a special guest: microbiologist Kiran Krishnan, PhD. In addition to conducting research on microbiome and health issues, Dr. Krishnan also built a successful company called Microbiome...

The Microbiome-Cancer Connection
Cancer is, of course, something we all fear, a collection of diseases that strike us down unexpectedly and often put us at the mercy of a deeply flawed and exploitative medical system. So it can help to identify the factors that leads us down t...

Potpourri: Hyaluronic acid, allulose, L. reuteri and reproductive health
There are a great many emerging ideas to discuss, but sometimes these topics are just not big enough to fill out an entire podcast episode. So I decided to start something I call “Potpourri,” a collection of unconnected but interesting topics t...