Defiant Health Radio with Dr. William Davis
Defiant Health Radio with Dr. William Davis
Unlocking Wellness: Reed Davis on Environmental Toxins and Holistic Health Solutions
“Everyone coming in the door were sick and had already been to 8 or 10 healthcare practitioners and weren’t better yet. This is all wrong.”
“It’s not just what you eat. It’s the air you breathe and the water you drink, the personal care products you use, household cleaning products. . .”
Here is a conversation I had recently with with Reed Davis, a board-certified Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) and Certified Nutritional Therapist (CNT). Over many years of experience, Reed has developed expertise in applying functional lab testing to pinpoint environmental, hormonal, nutritional, and other health disruptions and toxicities. He is the Founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) and the FDN Certification Course that has trained over 4000 graduates in 50 countries that follow Reed’s principles of functional testing and remediation. Reed is a fountain of knowledge and experience on solving health questions even after many doctors have failed.
To identify a FDN-trained practitioner near you, a practitioner taught by Reed Davis in his unique approach, go to FDNtraining.com/william.
For BiotiQuest probiotics including Sugar Shift, go here.
A 15% discount is available for Defiant Health podcast listeners by entering discount code UNDOC15 (case-sensitive) at checkout.*
Get your 15% Paleovalley discount on fermented grass-fed beef sticks, Bone Broth Collagen, low-carb snack bars and other high-quality organic foods here.*
For 12% off every order of grass-fed and pasture-raised meats from Wild Pastures, go here.
Super Gut: The 4-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microbiome, Restore Health, and Lose Weight
Here's a conversation I had recently with Reed Davis, a board-certified holistic health practitioner and certified nutritional therapist. Over many years of experience, reed has developed expertise in applying functional lab testing to pinpoint environmental, hormonal, nutritional and other health disruptions and toxicities. He's the founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition and the FDN certification course that has trained over 4,000 graduates in 50 countries that apply Reed's principles of functional testing and remediation. Reed is a fountain of knowledge and experience on solving health questions, even after many doctors have failed. And later in the podcast let's talk about Define Health's sponsors Paleo Valley, our preferred provider for many excellent organic and grass-fed food products, and BiotiQuest, my number one choice for probiotics that are scientifically formulated, unlike most of the other commercial probiotic products available today.
Speaker 1:I'd like to make you aware also of a new source for our favorite microbe, lactobacillus roteri, and a skin formulation I designed that improves skin from the inside out. Well, welcome, reid. Thank you very much, and of course, I should mention that we are not related, at least not as far as I know, despite sharing the same last name. But I track you down, reid, because I know you have a long history of being involved in environmental exposures, something I've only dabbled in, not dove deeply into, so I wanted to hear your perspective, knowing that you've been doing this for a long, long time. Can you tell me how you got started in this specific? You do many things, of course, but how you got started specifically in being concerned about environmental exposures.
Speaker 2:You know, I went to school, I went to the University of San Diego, I graduated post-grad program in environmental and business law and I was just fascinated by the idea that we could make the planet a better place, you know. So I've always been kind of a Boy Scout, I guess, and I worked in that field for many, many years and a lot of recycling and things. But you get to see, you know, I was saving the planet. I thought Air birds, water trees, bees and all that. But in the late 90s 1999, actually, I changed jobs and went to work at a wellness center. I just started worrying about people. I said, look at all this damage being done to the earth, and again, air birds, water trees, bees, and what about people, people? I said, look at all this damage being done to the earth, and and again, air birds, water trees, bees, and, um, what about people? So including me. Now I thought I was really healthy and didn't never really been to a doctor before. But I I just got concerned and and, uh, like I said, I didn't want anything sneaking up on me and taking me by surprise. You know, people, I was in my 40s back in the 90s, so you know how old, I am now Well into my 70s and so for 25 years I've been just working with what's the environment doing to people, people at this wellness center where I worked.
Speaker 2:I pretty much took over the place where I worked. I pretty much took over the place, but everyone coming in the door, bill, was sick and had been to eight or ten practitioners already and wasn't better yet and I just thought this is all wrong. You know, that's kind of a ripoff actually. And one day I was out riding my motorcycle in Southern California, which I do all the time, and I thought you know what I'm going to help these people? I'm going to be the last person they need to see it. I don't know how, but I'm going to do it.
Speaker 2:And I'll just wrap it up this part, you know, by saying that I spent the next 10 years running laboratory work on these people coming in, and they were coming in for an alternative. Again, they were stuck in the cycle of trial and error, frustrated, no answers anywhere, and with the lab work that I started running turned up some amazing things and really helped solve people's problems. I had a lot to learn, I'll say, but I had nothing to unlearn because I had no medical training at the time and you know I could say the rest is history, but it's been. I spent 10 years there and I made a lot of observations of my own. I had great, great mentors, the lab directors, these scientists that were coming up with new types of labs.
Speaker 2:You know, outside of the standard of care type, you know blood work and stuff. Matter of fact, a lot of our patients have been told their blood work looks fine, looks normal, and they wonder well, why do I feel so bad? Why am I overweight? And you know, depressed and angry and sad? You know, or you know, just skin is bad, or you know, just hurting all the time, and so I only looked for underlying causes. That's all I cared about. No diagnosis, no treatment, and a lot of that was environmental, to answer your question. Not always, but a lot of it is just, you know, our innate intelligence can't handle this environment that we live in.
Speaker 1:I know you've referred to modern people as serving as lab rats for industry. Yeah, could you elaborate?
Speaker 2:on that? Oh sure, so. Well, there's two ways to look at that when you mention it. One is that we're all kind of the rats in the maze. You know, the number of chemicals that we're exposed to is in the tens of thousands, and only a few, relatively few, maybe a couple thousand, have been tested for safety. So the rest are just being used, they get approved. Yeah, okay, this chemical does this or that and that might be useful in industry or even in our lives, but they're not tested. We're the test, we're the rats in the maze. That's the way I look at it. You know, according to one doctor friend of mine, he Dr Russell Jaffe. He's an amazing, brilliant person, lectures all around the country to other doctors. He says we're swimming in a toxic soup, sort of that.
Speaker 2:Modern medicine is experimental too. I won't refer to anything recently that happened but we get subjected to things that are not proven, and so we're all ransomware from both the environmental, the chemicals that aren't tested, and even in the medical system. Things are being tried and they aren't always that successful. That was the basis of my work. So, coming out of environmental law and conservation, I was worried about people and went to work in a clinic and worked really hard. I again had great mentorship. I ran a lot of labs and made some observations. That has turned into a system for people to investigate why they you know what are the underlying causes, conditions, and I have a whole program.
Speaker 1:That's quite remarkable actually so I I know you've done these sorts of testing in thousands and thousands of people. Have you seen any specific patterns fall out? For instance, do you find that, uh, the bulk of problems are caused by, let's say, pcbs or pfos chemicals? Are there patterns emerging?
Speaker 2:you know? Um, there are, but most of them are diet-related. You know, frankly, I like talking about the environment and there's everything. There's air pollutants, you know. There's ozone and carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide which is released by certain industries. And you remember, back in the 70s and 60s, acid rain. You know acid rain has been pretty much eliminated because now we make these manufacturers and processors scrub their excipients. But all these things particulate matter from all kinds of combustion sources is crazy. So that's the stuff that's in the air. Then there's water contaminants. Again, the Clean Air Act that came around in the 60s was really instrumental in helping. Basically, a bunch of hippie lawyers, after that act was passed, started suing the government and these big companies. So they wouldn't.
Speaker 2:You know, I lived in Ohio where the Cuyahoga River actually caught on fire in 1967 because it was so polluted. The river caught on fire. That river goes right into Lake Erie, one of the great lakes, where it was called a dead lake. It was known as a dead lake. Well, that lake is now the walleye fishing capital of the country, maybe the world, I don't know. But you can go there and fish now and catch delicious fish, and the local restaurants around Lake Erie serve these fish in their restaurants, and so we can't change things. And it's gotten better from one perspective like that.
Speaker 2:But the amount of stuff that's in our food, that's allowed to be in our food, is unbelievably toxic. And then what we drink out of you know, there's all the like you mentioned PCBs, bpa, phthalates, all kinds of things. They're just rotten, not to mention herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, rodenticides. So it starts getting bad. And then heavy metals lead, mercury, cadmium and we're exposed to these.
Speaker 2:And if you don't test, you have no clue. You're sick. You don't know why no one's measuring this stuff. Have no clue, you just you're sick. You don't know why no one's measuring this stuff. And um, that doesn't even include the volatile, the vocs you know, volatile organic compounds. These are gases that out gas from paint and from new carpeting and new, new draperies or even clothing, I would venture to say.
Speaker 2:Cleaning products, household cleaning products, personal care products are toxic. So the best place to go look for the consumer is probably the Environmental Working Group. I'm sure you've heard of them and it's ewgorg. Go to ewgorg, go to ewgorg. More information there will keep you busy from now to Christmas reading up on everything that can ail you, and it's just remarkable. So my life has been for the last 25 years has been running labs, running labs, running labs, finding out what the underlying causes are and then helping people to creatively overcome those obstacles to health. It's not diagnosing and treating medical conditions, which is a little different, maybe, than what your background or training is, but I know you're well aware of what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:So your testing platforms are capable of identifying all these contaminants in various body fluids.
Speaker 2:Well, yes, but the first thing we do is look at the damage done and what well, and then after and what needs to be fixed, so to speak. So, if I could put it in a real succinct, lay terms, um, instead of diagnosing and treating, figure out what's really wrong and fix it. So it sounds easier, or um, I don't know how it sounds actually, but that's what we do and I've been doing it 25 years. It's a, it's sort of a ground up or I'll call it the people's power to the people kind of a methodology. I'm trying to get people to take responsibility for their health and I provide the laboratory testing, the data that they need to figure out what's wrong. Why do they feel so lousy, especially if they've been to five practitioners and aren't better yet? To me again, that's a ripoff and I wanted to end that cycle. So the laboratory work became my investigative tool and you mentioned. Well, you asked do I test for environmental pollutants? Oh, yeah, there's some good panels, but I don't start there because you're just guessing.
Speaker 2:Well, maybe what's wrong with you is environmental pollutants and even though we know it's probably a factor, what about the foods you're eating? You can be sensitive to those. What about parasites, bacteria, funguses, viruses and things. So all of these things that are in our environment can have an effect on every cell, tissue, organ system. That's the thing. There's only so much, and I know you'll understand this innate intelligence. So our bodies are designed to be healthy. Every cell wants to be healthy. You don't have to teach a cell what its job is. It knows if it's a brain cell, muscle cell, whatever, and it'll do its job without interference. In other words, the intelligence built is built in. But is that enough? Is that neat intelligence, from wherever it came from? Is that enough in today's world? And it turns out it's not. Not in today's world, uh, with the amount of toxins and all the things we just met, the assaults you know we haven't even touched on in my electromagnetic frequencies, and radiation and and blue light coming off the screen that I'm sitting right in front of, you know. That's why we have these special glasses and things to put on, uh, as it gets later in the day, and so, so there's a lot of things in the environment that the way we're built as human beings, uh, can't handle. We're not designed for that, um, and so I'll say that about this.
Speaker 2:What you hear in alternative health is that? Oh, the innate intelligence, the body wants to be healthy? Um, yeah, it does, uh, but you better know how to sort some things out, identify the healing opportunities and the contributors to what I call metabolic chaos. The contributors to metabolic chaos, that's why you're falling apart. There's always multiple healing opportunities.
Speaker 2:And oh, by the way, these causal factors have an effect on each other and they aren't even measurable in some cases, not singly measurable, and that's coming from a guy who teaches a course in lab work. That's what I do. I teach the lab work and the natural protocols, of course, but you know to answer your question, yes, we test for environmental pollutants and, again, all the stressors that we can measure, and you can't measure them all, but we test for the ones we can. And, yes, that helps us reduce the influence. But people aren't coming to us healthy Saying, hey, I want to know what my environmental factors are. They're coming to us with problems, they've got you name it. Just all the chronic conditions and things that they've been told are actually normal, that aren't like headaches and fatigue, oh, that's normal for your age. That's all baloney. You're designed to be healthy and so we look at the damage that's done to the body before we go looking for what it might be influenced by.
Speaker 2:So those? Let me give you the six areas that I look for in every person. Would that be okay? Sure, we look in our standard labs. Look at the hormones, see, because the environment affects your hormones. So let's look at those hormones. Let's see how out of balance they are catabolic, anabolic, you know, your body's breaking down, the sex hormones go and that would affect the immune system. So we look at hormones, immune system, and when your immune system goes, the lining of your gut goes, as you well know, I don't have to tell you that.
Speaker 2:Then you get, uh, these, thispermeability. Your digestion isn't any good. So we check hormone immune digestion and, of course, with leaky gut, you're going to have a congested liver, so your detoxification system is going to be down. So your questions are really great ones. What about environmental influences? Yeah, but what's the damage done? First, because that's what people want to fix, and you, you can't always change your environment either. Um, where people, we can't all go live on top of a mountain and guess what? They've tested the air and and dirt in the top of mountains and it's polluted too.
Speaker 1:The Defiant Health Podcast is sponsored by Paleo Valley, makers of delicious grass-fed beef sticks, healthy snack bars and other products. We're very picky around here and insist that any product we consider contains no junk ingredients like carrageenan, carboxymethylcellulose, sucralose or added sugars, and, of course, no gluten nor grains. One of the habits I urge everyone to get into is to include several servings of fermented foods every day in your diet, part of an effort to cultivate a healthy gastrointestinal microbiome. Unlike nearly all other meat sticks available, paleo Valley grass-fed beef, pork and chicken sticks are naturally fermented, meaning they contain probiotic bacterial species. Paleo Valley has also launched a number of interesting new products, including extra virgin olive oil, spice mixes, organic coffee, strawberry lemonade, super greens and essential electrolytes in a variety of flavors. And if you haven't already tried it, you've got to try their chocolate-flavored bone broth protein that makes delicious hot chocolate and brownies. See the recipes for the brownies in my drdavisinfinitehealthcom blog. Listeners to the Defiant Health podcast receive a 15% discount by going to paleovalleycom.
Speaker 1:Backward slash. Defiant health. And, in case you haven't yet heard, biodequest probiotics are my first choice for intelligently, purposefully crafted probiotics. I've had numerous conversations with BioDeQuest founders Martha Carlin and academic microbiologist Dr Raul Cano. They have formulated unique probiotic products that incorporate what are called collaborative or guild effects, that is, groups of microbes that collaborate with each other via sharing of specific metabolites, potentially providing synergistic benefits. They have designed their sugar shift probiotic to support healthy blood sugars. Simple slumber to support sleep. Ideal immunity to support a healthy immune response. Heart-centered that supports several aspects of heart health. And antibiotic antidote designed to support recovery of the gastrointestinal microbiome after a course of antibiotics. Among the most effective of all probiotic choices, you have, enter the discount code UNDOC15, that is, u-n-d-o-c all caps 15, for a 15% discount.
Speaker 1:For Defiant Health listeners and due to demand for reliable, convenient sources of lactobacillus roteri, our favorite microbe, I created two products MyRoteri, that contains 20 billion counts of El Roteri alone, and Gut to glow that, in addition to El Roteri, has added marine source, collagen peptides, hyaluronic acid and the carotenoid astaxanthin, all combined to stack the odds in favor of Beneficial skin effects. Of course, you can take these products as is or you can use either as a starter to make El Rotaray yogurt to generate even higher counts of microbes for bigger effects. I'll provide a link for these products below in the show notes. Now let's get back to our discussion. So, if I understand you, you're kind of treating hormones, hormonal patterns, as the canary in the coal mine. To give you a hint of where to look for sources of the disruption I look at six things hormone immune digestion, detoxification, energy production and nervous system.
Speaker 2:So that's what I call the HIDDEN H-I-D-D-E-N it's an acronym for what I just said hormone immune digestion, and so on. So we run those labs first. That's the pattern I recognize in 10 years in the office, running thousands of labs on thousands of people. Everyone is affected by all of these influences. But what does it affect? Why do I feel so crappy?
Speaker 2:Hormone immune digestion, detoxification and so on, and those can be improved. I'll just say you can't always fix everything, but you can improve all those things when you understand the degree to which you're out of balance or broken, if you want. And then, uh, um, you know, the other challenge is to find out. Um, we create a, we create a lifestyle program for someone, and there's another acronym for that, it's d-r-e-s-s diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction, supplementation.
Speaker 2:Those are the things that people have power over and you can modify those behaviors so that you're less stressed out by all the environmental pollutants and things. They cause a lot of stress and you're trying to nurture that innate intelligence. So that becomes our goal, really, and you've written some amazing books about the digestion and the gut and mucosal barrier and all these things and it's really important and if it gets people thinking about what they eat better, and if it gets people thinking about what they eat better. And so with this discussion we're just kind of extrapolating and expanding on that. The way is not just what you eat, it's the air you breathe and the water you drink, and the personal care products you use and the household cleaning products, and on and on and on. You know, exposure, exposure, exposure.
Speaker 1:Can you give an idea what life looks like in the reed davis household? Do you filter your water? Use an air?
Speaker 2:yeah, polytrees do you use you know, I I get up really early and, um, I'll work for an hour or two and then I go and and kind of wake my wife up today it was at about quarter to six, I'd already worked for an hour or so and we pray and then I come back down and get a cup of coffee and I go to work. I usually work till about noon or one o'clock and then I go outside and I play in my garden or I go riding motorcycles or we take care of chores, you know, whatever it is that we have to do. But so the but we eat, right, we only organic food. I won't buy anything with chemicals in it, if you can help it. You know. You, things in bags, boxes, you know. So we actually grow our own produce.
Speaker 2:I have some acreage here in Southern California. It only rains 30 days a year here, you know, unlike some other places, but you know. So I moved here. We grow our own food. I order only, you know, grass-fed, grass-finished beef from a place I trust, and so on and so on.
Speaker 2:So my diet is pure as it can be. It's also very balanced in terms of protein, fat and carbohydrates. As you know, blood sugar control is epidemically. It's causing problems. So that's really important, getting that protein, fat and carb ratio right and then. So the D-R-E-S-S Rest is where I might be a little weak. You know I don't sleep as well as I could. I get up early. I go to bed early though, but I'll rest in the day Behind my screen. Here I have a day bed and if I need a nap I take one. I don't feel ashamed about it one bit. I go. Well, I need my rest, you know, and so. So diet rest.
Speaker 2:Now the exercise I, we have our own gym and I meet with a trainer. Uh, virtually because we're out in the country. Um, my trainer used to come here, move the way. So we just, I get my ipad and we work out together three times a week. So exercise is important. My wife and I also walk. We're on a hill so we walk down to the garden probably 60 steps down, um, it's, it's a decent little walk and we hike around here. You have to watch out for mountain lions, but um, they like the old and infirm, I'm told. I mean so you don't want to sneak. So diet rest, exercise. Now.
Speaker 2:Stress reduction is just just a phenomenally big area and we've been talking about one kind of stressor, the environmental stressors and pollutants, and you know things that that are hidden. I mean, they're really. You don't even know what's sometimes going on. I've had my well water tested and think just to see what kind of you got to do these things. Um so, but stress reduction also obviously can include mental, emotional, psycho-spiritual kinds of stress. I think having a purpose in life makes it less stressful. Um, you always know what you are trying to accomplish with your life. That's really important for people. But also stress from, you know, driving in traffic, or you got a boss you don't like, you got kids that are misbehaving, whatever it might be, you know. So you have all those environmental stressors, you have all these mental, emotional stressors.
Speaker 2:And the other thing that I would say is one of my things is a very well used body, which means I've got aches and pains from injuries, old injuries. I did a lot of sports. I did jujitsu and all kinds of things. We taught kickboxing and surfing and skiing and motorcycle riding, and so that trauma to your body is also very stressful. So diet, rest, exercise. We talked about stress reduction is vast because it's in all these different categories. What's weird is that your body responds about the same. You know cortisol, dhea get out of balance, you get catabolic, your body starts breaking down Again.
Speaker 2:I can show you on this lab results, lab tests, how the dominoes fall right and then how to fix it. But the last S in D-R-E-S-S is supplementation. So I'm explaining to you how my wife and I live and I've trained over 4,000 practitioners and they have hundreds of clients. So thousands and thousands of people are following the DRESS. We call it DRESS for health success. It's kind of cute, but it's very meaningful.
Speaker 2:What do I need to analyze my lifestyle? Look at diet and rest and exercise and stress reduction in all its forms, and supplementation, because, frankly, food just isn't good enough anymore. It's not the food that my I grew up in Canada and both my grandfathers grew food, just like I grow mine now. A lot of this what I learned as a kid. But man, their food was really nutritious. The food in grocery stores is not as nutritious it doesn't. The soils are depleted and you know the whole thing. I mean not even including all the stuff they spray on it. So diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction, supplementation Take some extra vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and something special for what you're dealing with or working on.
Speaker 1:Most of us guys don't use much in the way of toiletries maybe shampoo and conditioner and a couple of other things, but the ladies, of course, are exposed to, we know, a cesspool right of factors in their cosmetics and toiletries.
Speaker 2:What are you seeing in your testing? You know there's elements even in sunscreen and stuff like that that we we're using. So men use maybe a little more than you might think. Personally, I've just gotten this new it's kind of an antibacterial serum just to keep the microbiome of my skin healthy. So you know, we have an interior microbiome, which you've explained in your books very well, but we have an exterior microbiome as well. So that's really important rather than go through a litany of all the things.
Speaker 2:The less ingredients the better. I mean I have I have there's kind of a nutty fringe of our group that just use beef tallow and stuff like that and I'm not putting beef fat on my face, but people do that. They use the old natural, I mean coconut oil and things that are excipient. They're pure. Go to ewgorg and look through the skin cleansers and treatments that are all natural and free of any chemicals and you'll be better off. And keep in mind that the skin is considered by some the largest organ in your body. It's a detoxifying organ of sorts. It's a shield and protects you, but it also we sweat and a lot of benefits there to keeping your skin in good shape and looks better too.
Speaker 1:Well, thank you for sharing your insights that you've gathered over several decades experience. Now, if someone's not in San Diego, where you are, and they want to see if this testing is worth following through on, how would they best go about doing that?
Speaker 2:Yeah, go to FDNTrainingcom slash William in honor of you, fdntrainingcom slash William and they can see what we do. And we're all over the world and there's a list of practitioners there who I've trained. If there's not one in your area, don't worry, because we work remotely. The beauty of what we do is you don't have to go in the office. We can mail test kits to you and you put saliva urine stool all that's done in the comfort of your own home. But saliva urine stool all that's done in the comfort of your own home. Some might require a blood draw, but some are just little finger stick blood samples. So again, they're easy to do at home and you can do them on your kids.
Speaker 2:I've always loved working with children. I've coached football for 15 years youth football and I gave that up because the parents became a pain in the neck. But something changed. I just no more dealing with these parents who think their kid's a superstar. But you know, I raised four kids but I didn't have one playing on my team. I mean, I was like the neutral guy and I was the head coach. So I had a lot of problems to solve. I don't know why I went off on that, but I just want to tell you, kids are fun to work with and you can do this on yourself and you can do it on your kids and I had. Let me tell you a quick story before we go. So I worked with a lot of people and I've been doing this a long time, but I was really touched 20 years ago, which also let me know I was on the right track.
Speaker 2:I was working with a mom. She's really happy with the results and she said Reed, do you work with kids? Well, I'm raising four. I coach football. Yeah, I work with kids. She says, no, I mean they're trying to send my kid home from school if I don't put them on drugs. I mean they're trying to send my kid home from school if I don't put them on drugs.
Speaker 2:So back then it was Ritalin for ADD and I said well, they're trying to send your kid home if you don't put them on drugs. Is this a doctor or a nurse? No, it's just the teachers and principal of the school diagnosing the kid and saying he has to be on drugs or we're going to kick him out. And I said, well, ritalin, I go. Do you? Does your? You think your kid has a ritalin deficiency. And she didn't laugh, you know she thought I was joking too much, which I was, but anyway she got mad and said no, can you help him or not? And I said, said well, I don't know, let's run some tests. We did the environmental pollutant panel that I've been mentioning. We did food sensitivity testing and some other tests and, by the way, she I never even met the young man. By the way, he was nine. Imagine putting nine. Ritalin is a class two narcotic that's the same class as cocaine, same class. And so I couldn't imagine this nine-year-old in Ransom Labs.
Speaker 2:And I'll make a long story short and say that within three weeks after we got the lab reports modified the lifestyle and changed this kid's life. The principal of the school, bill, tracked me down through the mom, said Mr Davis, I don't know what you're doing with Billy, but he's a different kid. He's paying attention, he's not bursting out loud in class, he's not poking the other kids, he's actually paying attention and getting good grades. Now, in three weeks. And then, disappointingly, he said what'd you put him on? You know I tried to explain. Well, we put him on a better diet and bedtime and exercise program and you know a lot of it was just getting rid of the foods and stuff and turned his life around. So that makes, you know, the parent happy, the kid happy, the principal happy and the practitioner feels warm and fuzzy all over because you help someone and that's why we do this right.
Speaker 1:That's fantastic. So, if I understand the logistics, if someone's, let's say, in Erie, pennsylvania or Miami, florida, they would go to your website. Identify a practitioner who's been trained in your methods and they go to that practitioner website identify a practitioner who's been trained in your methods and they go to that practitioner.
Speaker 2:Yes, and I think I was saying that you can work distance. You don't have to go in the office. Got it, we can mail you the kits. You can work over Zoom, just like we're talking now. It works perfectly and saves you money because you don't have to pay for an office visit.
Speaker 1:Great Reid. Thank you very much. I appreciate the benefit of many, many years of deep experience in something that I need to know more about.
Speaker 2:Fantastic. Thank you, Reed. Yes, sir.